There is a tree of guava in our school; students were used to plucking the guava that’s why a peon tie up a dog with the tree that used to bark and try to catch everyone. I recited surah Fatiha on him and said I am a follower of Muhammad ﷺ therefore sit quietly.
Respected Hazrat Hakeem Saheb, Assalam Alaikum, I have been reading this Ubqari magazine regularly for a past few years, the small tips and details written in the magazine are really helpful. Ubqari is like a doctor and a coach of our family members. Due to Ubqari, many family problems have faded away as they were not there in the first place. I am sharing one of my experienced tips with all of you and hope that you will learn and practice it. Certainly the Ubqari audience will get full benefits of it. This is our family tip and we practice it to resolve any problem either it is of short of food, searching a groom for daughter or to get good results in school exams, this tip is effective for all problems. Five women recite Surah Yasin, Surah Rehman and Surah Waqiyah each five times, in the end recite the last four Aayah in Quran and then all three women pray to resolve any one (common) issue. InshaAllah the problem will be resolved. Note that this practice has to be done before 12 a.m. or after Asr prayers. Recitation of these three surahs shows the wonders of great Quran. These surahs have been experienced many times. You also experience them and keep us in your prayers. (Mrs Syeda Azam Gilani: Lahore)
Get Rid of Unpleasant Personality, Gathering and Animal
Respected Hazrat Hakim Sahib Assalam o alaikum I have been presenting miracles of few experienced Ayahs. I read in book “Lajawab Wazaif” that in any gathering if you find any unpleasant personality and you want him or her to leave the gathering then recite often experience this Ayah for unpleasant person and this works 100%. After vacations school reopened, we had to distribute the books among students; the books were in a room when I opened the door of room, found wasp and it bite me on my hand then I recited these ayah
and blow on my hand which relieved my pain. Students were also present in the room; I thought wasp will bite the students so to save the students; I recited
I thought if I can get rid of a person then why not wasp? After recitation allwasp left the room. Till now I haven’t seen any of them.
There is a tree of guava in our school; students were used to plucking the guava that’s why a peon tied up a dog with the tree. The dog was used to bark and try to catch everyone. I recited surah Fatiha, blew on him and said I am a follower of Muhammad ﷺ therefore sit quietly. After that whenever I stand near the dog he never barked and he started to jiggle his tail but he used to bark whenever anyone else goes near him. Everyone was in shock and asked me what I have done with the dog.
One day after getting off from school I was going to home by bus. There were only three people in the bus otherwise the bus was empty and the driver was driving very fast. I felt fear and I recited
and blew on the driver. After sometime, speed of the bus was normal and I reached home safely (Miss Nusrat Bashir; Shakardarah).